2/8 CBS2 Friday Morning Weather Headlines

2/8 CBS2 Friday Morning Weather Headlines

By Giorgio Panetta

CBS2 Chief Meteorologist/Weather Producer

Fog is widespread to start off the day and temps are cool, in the 40s. Skies are cloudy but expect some rapid clearing and a brief spike in temps around lunchtime.

(Credit: CBS2)

Prior to the front passing, a burst of warm air surges ahead of it, spiking our temps into the mid 50s. Then, with the passage, temps crash in the afternoon. Hard. We are down to the freezing point by 10/11 p.m.

(Credit: CBS2)

Do not expect much rain today, but dress for the changing weather. A water repellent jacket with an additional warmer layer for the evening commute would be a good choice! Have a great day!

February 08, 2019 at 03:00PM
2/8 CBS2 Friday Morning Weather Headlines 2/8 CBS2 Friday Morning Weather Headlines Reviewed by kd on 1:50 AM Rating: 5

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