Emma’s Journey, Medical Alert Dog Bringing Life-Saving Help To Children

Emma’s Journey, Medical Alert Dog Bringing Life-Saving Help To Children

FARMINGDALE (CBSNewYork) – From Long Island to Louisiana, a girl is helping out another child her own age struggling with the same health problem.

She’s raising enough money to give that child a very special therapy dog, just like her own, reports CBS2’s Jessica Layton.

Rufus, a 2-year-old yellow Labrador, knows plenty of tricks, but the most important skill is keeping 10-year-old Emma Brussell alive.

“He knows he’s there to protect me, he knows that I am his person,” said Emma.

Rufus is a highly-trained diabetic alert dog. He goes everywhere with the Farmingdale girl, even to school. He can smell her saliva when her sugar levels are off and will bark or paw her.

“When I am high, it gives off a fruity small and when I am low, it gives off a citrus smell,” she said. “I don’t always feel when I am low or high, or I am not always paying attention to it.”

When Emma was just 3 years old, she was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and her pancreas doesn’t work. She wears a sensor monitor. but her mom says Rufus gives another level of security.

“She will never be able to go a day without insulin injections to live,” said Kelly Brussell, Emma’s mom.

This extra comfort came with a hefty price tag. Rufus cost $15,000.

“She asked Santa Claus for him one year, and Santa could not deliver on that one,” said Kelly.

Not taking no for an answer, Emma decided to sell her paintings. Money from that and other donations was enough to get Rufus.

But she didn’t stop there. She and her family started the non-profit “Emma’s Journey.”

“After I got him, I wanted to help other kids with diabetes get diabetic alert dogs,” said Kelly.

To raise funds, she now sells copies of her paintings and came up with $7,500 to give to the first recipient, Addie Grace Louviere who lives in Louisiana.

“My parents won’t be scared anymore, in case something bad happens to me,” said Addie Grace.

The 10-year-old girl plans to get her dog in January.

“Rufus is a big help and I can’t wait to see the relief that Addy Grace gets when she gets her dog,” said Emma.

For those looking to help Emmy’s Journey can check out the EmmasJourney.org Charity Art Show this weekend:

EmmasJourney.org Charity Art Show
* WHAT: Seven artists will sell their work, priced from $5 to $500, to benefit nonprofit Emma’s Journey. The charity will receive 10 percent of sales.
* WHEN: Sunday, 1-4 pm
* WHERE: Charlotte’s Speakeasy, 294 Main St., Farmingdale, NY 11735

For more information, see their website as EmmasJourney.org.

May 04, 2019 at 03:58AM
Emma’s Journey, Medical Alert Dog Bringing Life-Saving Help To Children Emma’s Journey, Medical Alert Dog Bringing Life-Saving Help To Children Reviewed by kd on 3:38 PM Rating: 5

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