Speaker Johnson Urges Caution On Potential NYC Fur Ban

Speaker Johnson Urges Caution On Potential NYC Fur Ban

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — The fur is flying, yet again, over a bill to ban the sale of fur in the Big Apple.

Council Speaker Corey Johnson said Thursday the city should move slowly and carefully before it takes steps that would eliminate jobs, CBSN New York’s Marcia Kramer reported.

Fur (Photo: CBSN New York)

The fur-or over the loss of jobs from the proposed fur ban has prompted the bill’s sponsor to rethink its implementation, saying people shouldn’t have to go cold turkey, rather it should be phased in over what he called a lengthy period of time.

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When asked what he would call a lengthy period of time, Johnson said, “In Los Angeles, when they banned the sale of fur I believe they had three years before it went into effect, which is why we would want to give it a long period of time to phase it in and do workforce training. People that make fur garments have a skill set. They can make clothes. So if we gave training for them to be able to move toward more ethical products, that would be a good thing.”

But others say the jobs need to be protected.

“It’s a bad idea. I mean, we shouldn’t be just waking up one day and deciding a whole bunch of New Yorkers should be put out of business,” Councilman Joseph Borelli said. “Look, we can’t have ‘Broadway Joe’ [Namath] without a mink coat, right?”

MORE“Save Our Jobs”: Furriers Protest Against Proposed Ban On Fur Sales In NYC

There’s also a dispute over just how many jobs are involved. Johnson said it’s about 1,200, but the fur industry said it has done economic studies to show it’s more like 7,500.

May 30, 2019 at 11:09PM
Speaker Johnson Urges Caution On Potential NYC Fur Ban Speaker Johnson Urges Caution On Potential NYC Fur Ban Reviewed by kd on 10:45 AM Rating: 5

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