Coronavirus Update: Parents Turn To Online Tutors As Students Adjust To Remote Learning

Coronavirus Update: Parents Turn To Online Tutors As Students Adjust To Remote Learning

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork)– With the closure of schools all across the tri-state area, some children are having a tough time adapting to the new reality of remote learning.

The experience has been overwhelming for many students, like 13-year-old Paul Ferragamo and his 17-year-old sister, Maura Ferragamo, in New Providence, New Jersey.

“If I was in school I would’ve just walked up to the teacher’s office,” said Maura Ferragamo in an interview with CBS2’s Hazel Sanchez. “But I guess because my parents are there, I’ve been asking them questions.”


Like many parents across the tri-state, Paul and Maura’s parents are balancing teaching with their own jobs at home or outside of the house if they are essential workers.

“It terms of actual questions on math or some of the language arts questions, I think I’m very little help at all right now,” their father said.

“It is hard and you feel almost like you’re letting them down,” their mother said.

The Ferragamos turned to online tutor Robin Anderson, who has been helping kids with their work while they’re at home.

“It’s nice to be in a profession where I can help somehow during these crazy times,” said Anderson. “And to feel like I’m contributing to making someone’s day a little easier.”

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Paul Ferragamo is really thankful that his parents enlisted the help of Anderson as a tutor.

“Robin has helped me a lot with my math,” said Paul Ferragamo.

PHOTO GALLERY: Life In New York City Under The Coronavirus

In addition to online tutors, parents can also reach out to other local resources for help. The New York Public Library has created a partnership with the tutoring service Brainfuse to offer free online tutoring to any child K-12. The only thing required is for students to have a library card, which they can sign up for online.

Brian Bannon is director of branch libraries and education.

“Their tutors are primarily home-based tutors and they work in every subject area. Basic arithmetic all the way through Calculus II, English and in Spanish and they’re live tutors that will help you with social studies, math, English, et cetera,” Bannon said.

The tutors make families feel like they’re not alone during this unprecedented time.

“The ability to just get online without leaving home, get online and have that resource that Robin provides has been just outstanding. I can’t put a value on it,” Paul and Maura’s father said.
March 27, 2020 at 05:20AM
Coronavirus Update: Parents Turn To Online Tutors As Students Adjust To Remote Learning Coronavirus Update: Parents Turn To Online Tutors As Students Adjust To Remote Learning Reviewed by kd on 5:02 PM Rating: 5

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