CBS2 Weather Headlines: Clear Skies, Comfy & Cool Saturday Night; Milder & Muggy Sunday

CBS2 Weather Headlines: Clear Skies, Comfy & Cool Saturday Night; Milder & Muggy Sunday

By Mark McIntyre, CBS2 Meteorologist/Weather Producer

It was an absolute gem of a Saturday across the region with blue skies, comfortable temps, and low humidity… about as nice as it gets for the end of July!

Expect clear skies tonight with the comfy and cool conditions continuing… Temps will bottom out in the mid 60s around NYC but will drop to the low 50s well north and west!

Tomorrow will be a little bit milder and a bit muggier to start off the month of August, but not as oppressive as August days could be!

Skies will start off partly clear in the morning but clouds will increase as a disturbance nears the region, and a few showers could pop up during the day.

The better risk for any shower/storm activity would be later in the evening ahead of a cold front. As of now we’re not expecting any severe weather but a few storms could be strong.

Things clear out and dry out Monday with sunny skies, a nice breeze and temps in the low 80s. Have a great night!
August 01, 2021 at 05:07AM
CBS2 Weather Headlines: Clear Skies, Comfy & Cool Saturday Night; Milder & Muggy Sunday CBS2 Weather Headlines: Clear Skies, Comfy & Cool Saturday Night; Milder & Muggy Sunday Reviewed by kd on 4:49 PM Rating: 5

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